Friday, January 23, 2009

Appalachia Film

Ciao Tutti-

I really appreciated the film's historical analysis and felt like I gained a broad overview of the region. For me one of the most interesting aspects was the clarification of coal mining dates. I actually did not realize that the mountains remained somewhat untouched for such a long period of time until large-scale coal mining revived and mountaintop removal began in the 1970s.

Another observation, which we briefly discussed, is the Appalachian residents' close-knit community and connection to the land. This resonated with me because I grew up in a very small seaside town south of Boston and can't go to the local grocery store without running into a high school friend, middle school teacher, or member of my church. I have a deep connection to the ocean and passion for marine life, so I really liked the film's emphasis on Appalachian community culture and sentiment for the land.

See you all next week,

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